Sports massage - useful for everyone

Sports massage reduces muscle tension, reduces the risk of injuries and sprains, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. Sports massage is a combination of several massage techniques that are adapted to specific muscle groups and the client's physical activities (running, lifting, swimming, rowing, etc.).

The massage is suitable for both athletes and people whose daily routine is not associated with intense physical activity.

Sports massage helps to prepare for and recover from increased physical activity (massage helps to remove lactic acid faster), as well as is an integral part of quality rehabilitation after various injuries and for preventive purposes. During the massage, the muscles are warmed up, stretched and the joints are set in motion.

Sports massage helps:

  • in case of increased physical activity (sports, work) – after the massage there is a feeling of lightness, energy levels are restored, flexibility is improved, pain is reduced;
  • to reduce the risk of injury – similar to warm-up, sports massage helps muscles, ligaments and joints to move freely in the optimal range of motion, reducing the risk of sprains, cramps and other typical injuries;
  • to relieve pain – massage promotes the healing of scar tissue and relieves pain in injured parts of the body; 
  • to relax and concentrate – massage reduces stress, increases concentration and alertness;
  • recovery after exercise - massage helps to remove lactic acid caused by increased physical activity faster.


  • pregnancy;
  • advanced glaucoma;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • acute dermatological diseases;
  • fever, elevated body temperature;
  • varicose veins;
  • haemophilia;
  • oncology.